Book quickly and conveniently anytime, anywhere with the new Cinecube app!
[Cinecube App Support Function]
• Ticket-oriented main screen for quick selection of movie, date and time on one screen
-You can make a reservation quickly without selecting step by step.
-Movie and theater selection can be viewed on one screen without any separate entry order.
• Convenient automatic login
-There is no inconvenience to log in again every time you run the app.
• Nonmember Login
-You can use the same convenient booking function without registering.
• Convenient and fast seat selection and payment
-Intuitive screen for quick seat selection and payment.
• Mobile ticket without ticketing
-You can quickly enter without ticketing through the app you booked.
• View announcement
-Notices for Cinecube customers can be checked directly from the main screen.
• Push Alarm
-You can receive events and various announcements of Cine Cube with a convenient push notification.
• View movie history
-You can view the list of movies you have reserved, movies you've watched, and movies you've canceled.
• Registration and payment of movie tickets
[Reason for Requesting Access to Personal Information]
• Storage: Save temporary information such as push messages (optional)